Where do you work?
We work mainly in USA prisons and in the country of Cuba.
Describe what you do.
IN PRISONS, we do evangelistic ministry using music concerts as a platform for sharing testimonies, and preaching message with an invitation to receive the Lord. During morning and afternoon sessions, we teach and train leaders principles from the word of God and plant churches in the prisons where possible. IN CUBA, we do evangelistic programs in churches, conduct worship services and train leaders. Additionally, we do special programs for marriages, youth, and children’s ministry. We bring humanitarian relief and financial assistance to help ease human suffering. We bring medicines, medical supplies, food, and many other items during short term mission trips every quarter. We’ve purchased a farm and assist in the growth and development of this project. The vision is to help the poorest of the poor with food and encouragement from the Lord. Also, it helps to create financial assistance for the various church ministries by offering food to the market at reasonable costs as food is hard to get these days because of excessive prices. The profits will help finance the church outreaches.
Why did you choose your ministry? What led you to that ministry?
Being homeless when I received the Lord in the gutters of “Skid Row”, Chicago, at the point of suicide inspired me to go to those who suffer with hopelessness and introduce them to the same Lord that gave me hope in 1971. The most important thing that led us to this ministry work was the Hebrews verse Chapter 13:3. “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” I was incarcerated seven times and never forgot it. After salvation, I wanted to get on a rooftop and tell the world, “IT’S REAL”. Jesus died for our sins. We have been doing this since 1971.
When did you make the decision to serve in missions - how old were you?
Immediately after receiving the Lord, I started sharing my testimony about how Jesus saved my life and forgave my sins. I was 25 years old at the time. A hopeless drug addict with no direction. My mind was gone from all the drugs, but the Lord healed me and restored our broken marriage. Mary Ann and I have served faithfully since the day of my salvation.
Why did you decide on serving in this way? Why missions?
The Lord clearly called me to the prison mission field using three things. FIRST, an article from the Bergen Record, Hackensack, NJ titled, “PRISONS, WAREHOUSES OF HUMAN LIVES”. SECOND, a letter from an inmate at the Annandale State Prison, NJ that included 2 pictures of his sons and a statement he made, “I’m so tired of being tired it isn’t funny”. THIRD, the Word of God stating, “Luke 14:28, “But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it?” I reflected of the verse, the letter and the newspaper article and knew the Lord was calling me to the prisons but He also wanted me to think it through. I took the weekend to contemplate this calling and decided to follow Him. This has kept me on the field with my hand to the plow when things got tough and they do get tough on this mission field.
Have you had other occupations?
Yes, I worked in the dairy industry, ice cream industry, international cheese industry, engineering employment industry and eventually started my own businesses - an employment agency, record company and publishing company. I worked very hard to support the ministry for many years until the ministry grew and I had to decide as to what to do with my tent making businesses as the heavy load was causing some health conditions. I decided then with the prompting of the Lord to leave it all and trust Him to meet our needs. It was very hard, but the right decision and He has faithfully provided all these years.
Hobbies or other interests?
As a musician I enjoy music, especially Cuban music. Mary Ann likes bike riding and going for walks together. Also, we like watching the many varieties of birds here in Florida.
Your favorite sport? Favorite team?
Football is our favorite sport, and the New York Giants use to be our team but now that we live in Florida, the Florida teams like Miami Dolphins and Tampa Bay Buccaneers have taken over although Mary Ann’s team is Kansas City Chiefs.

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