Where do you work?
Democratic Republic of the Congo and the USA
Describe what you do.
Jim: construction, Theological Education by Extension teacher, Bible school teacher; Louise - teacher and director, youth work, orphan baby feeding program. Together: Bible translation; translating, writing, and printing materials for church and Bible Institute use.
Why did you choose your ministry? What led you to that ministry?
Jim – After college in the US, I was asked to go short term to build some much-needed airstrips at two of the jungle stations where I had grown up. From there the Lord showed me the need to serve full-time in the area.
Louise – After some floundering, the Lord got my attention and impressed on me that I needed to return to the area where I had grown up, to work with the youth of the church my parents (Neil and Cay Vander Ploeg, HGC missionaries) had helped establish. For both of us, I would say we did not choose our ministries, they chose us.
When did you make the decision to serve in missions - how old were you?
Jim – early 20’s
Louise – I was in my mid-20’s when the Lord sent me there to serve.
Why did you decide on serving in this way? Why missions?
Jim – Family persuaded me to give 3 years of short-term service before getting on with my life. During the 3 years, the Lord persuaded me to stay on since there was so much that I could do to serve.
Louise – I was very familiar with the area and the people, spoke their language fluently and I had many friends there. I felt I could make a good contribution to the work of the church there.
Have you had other occupations?
Louise – receptionist, lab technician.
Hobbies or other interests?
Jim – Reading and fishing. Louise – Cooking, Music, and Jigsaw puzzles
Your favorite sport? Favorite team?