Where do you work?
We live in Durham, NC but are involved in publishing projects in 11 countries in the Global South.
Describe what you do.
We seek to publish books in regions of the world where the church is growing and where few or no Christian books exist. Our focus is on pastoral and discipleship training materials.
Why did you choose your ministry? What led you to that ministry?
God called us to publishing. It was a very long process that first began about 30 years ago.
When did you make the decision to serve in missions - how old were you?
When I was a senior at the Moody Bible Institute in about 1988. I was 21.
Why did you decide on serving in this way? Why missions?
The call of God was in our lives. Since my 20s God has put the poor and underserved on my heart
Have you had other occupations?
Hobbies or other interests?
Cycling. I ride about 4,000 miles per year.
Your favorite sport? Favorite team?
Cycling. No favorite team.