Where do you work?
After working for 26 years in Papua New Guinea and 11 years at the US headquarters for Ethnos360 (formerly known as New Tribes Mission), Brian now works as the Director of the Ethnos360 retirement community and Susan works in the HQ’s Connection Center in Sanford, FL.
Describe what you do.
Brian oversees the entire retirement community which includes 114 single family homes, 18 rooms in a group facility for those elderly residents who need extra help while still living independently, and 8 rooms in an Assisted Living Facility. Susan responds to inquiries about serving with the mission and connects people with the appropriate person for those wanting to serve as career missionaries, serve as short-term missionaries (1-4 years), serve as volunteers, attend Bible school, attend Wayumi, or go on mission trips.
Why did you choose your ministry? What led you to that ministry?
After getting saved, Brian and Susan both felt led to be a part of getting the gospel to the least reached people groups in the world. New Tribes Mission’s purpose, goals, extensive training, and doctrinal positions were a perfect fit.
When did you make the decision to serve in missions - how old were you?
Susan was a teenager when she was challenged to tribal missions. Brian got saved at 22 and, by 23, knew this was the Lord’s direction for his life.
Why did you decide on serving in this way? Why missions?
We were so grateful to have heard the message of salvation for ourselves that we wanted to be a part of getting that same message to others who had not heard. Rev 5:9 and Rev 7:9 taught us that God intends that some from every nation, tribe, people, and language will be saved. Since God chose the church to spread that message, that meant us.
Have you had other occupations?
Brian worked for a few years in IT before training with New Tribes Mission and Susan entered the training after a year in business college.
Hobbies or other interests?
We enjoy hospitality, playing games, and spending time near the ocean. We swim for exercise.
Your favorite sport? Favorite team?
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