Where do you work?
Northern Jersey urban areas
Describe what you do.
With a large pool of skilled and unskilled volunteers we come alongside struggling urban nonprofit organizations and churches and empower them to do what they are called to do in their communities. We encourage them by helping solve problems they have with their facilities.
Why did you choose your ministry? What led you to that ministry?
Servant’s Heart helped me build at a camp in NY and when the camp closed Servant’s Heart asked me to join them. Using my hands-on abilities is a natural fit.
When did you make the decision to serve in missions - how old were you?
I worked at HGC after college and then in 2003 went into camping ministry.
Why did you decide on serving in this way? Why missions?
It is a natural fit to use my hands on mechanical and diverse trade skills to help people.
Have you had other occupations?
HGC full time from 1977 to 2002 Facility maintenance.
Hobbies or other interests?
Clearly my work is my hobby. I enjoy learning things. I enjoy books from which I can learn. I have had a long-time interest in photography. I enjoy chess.
Your favorite sport? Favorite team?
I was an avid runner in high school and college.
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Other Partners in

Brian & Nancy Hoffman
USA: Teach, mentor & encourage others to missions. Kenya: Teach a practical Missions course.

Brian & Susan Shortmeier
Director of the Ethnos360 retirement community after working 26 years in Papua New Guinea.